Hi, I have both helmets (bought v2 at Kartmania today) and to be honest i think that they both have merits. The Duchini has an excellent liner, removeable and very comfortable. I ran it for a season and had no prblem with the vents at all. The only downside is the really poor clip system for the visor. if you are planning on just keeping clear in then it should be fine, but the mechanism is really flimsy. The V2's liner is no where near as high quality yet it is still very comfortable. The upside is that all of the asthetics of the helmet(duck bill adn spoiler etc ) are made as part of the helmet and verry well made. Also the visor mech is a real bit of kit, very similar to much much more expensive helmets.
For both hemlets the visors are dirt cheap with clear and smoke both being £20. The v2 wins that one though as you can get some really cool blue/red and iridium smoke for £30.
if you can only afford a Duchini then it is a more than capable hemlet and has some quality touch. For sheer value though the V2 has to win and if you can scrape together the extra then i really feel its well worth the small investment.
cheers Paul