We've done 3 years in Comer Cadets and give or take it costs £100 per day running ourselves. That covers Practice/Entry Fees, Consumables, Tyres, fuel and transport fuel. To get your kid up to the level of speed required for msa racing you need to do at least 4 days a month minimum, whether practicing or racing so that's £400 for a start. Cost of engine rebuilds (for Comer approx £300 every 15 hours) is extra as is damage.
My advice would be if your budget is £200 per month then forget 2 stroke and do non msa Honda. If you lad is good then you will be able to switch into msa with the Honda, whereas with Comers it's homologation period is up at the end of next year and I would say it's more than likely it will not be renewed so any investment in Comer in the next 12 months could be dead money.
That said you may be able to pickup Comers next year for reasonable money and the current going rate for a Kart/engine package on ebay is about £500. If you buy a Comer second hand I would recommend putting in a new piston and seals immediately (approx £150) to be sure it runs reliably for you.
The other thing to consider is how mechanical/technical you are. I'm told the honda four stroke is just pull start and go but it's not like that with 2 strokes. You either need to be a rocket scientist or a master of black art to get the carbs setup right. Unfortunately I am neither so most days our potential is unfulfilled simply because of the vagouries of 2 stroke carburation.
It is very rare for us to get more than 2 hours running without having to rebuild the carb. New gaskets are needed probably every 4-6 hours running and a full kit costs about £25.
Reading this post back has confirmed to me that I really must be mad. Yes Karting has given us a few Highs but an awful lot of Lows.
So I hope I haven't put you off. The other thing you could consider is waiting a few years and skip Cadet Karting altogether and go Rotax or TKM when he's 12. Believe it or not being good in Cadet does not guarantee you will be any good later on. Age and teenage hormones are a big leveler.
Another opton is MiniStox racing. Even accounting for the odd shunt damage I reckon this is a fraction of the cost of karting and probaly a lot more fun.