firstly, you cannot spot reduce weight. anyone that say you can is talking c@ap. if you mean that you naturally carry weight on your torso than thats just your genetic make up (welcome to the club. i have lost 4 1/2 stone since mid november. i was 17st at my peak. it took me 3 1/2 month to lose the 4st and the rest has been steady due to a relaxed diet over the last few month. the answer is simple.
KETO DIET bodybuilders have been doing this for years for contest. there are many diets out there that they use to strip fat from there body pre contest, but they all have the same core princible, cut out carbs! no milk, bread, sugars... there is too much info for me to write on here so google it. its quite simple, basically you cut your carb intake. steady paced cardio. i run for 50 mins every day in the morning before breakfast. slow and steady 6.5 to 7mph no faster or you will hit a brick wall and most importantly if you raise your heart level you will burn muscle. just google it. it has worked for me, ive gone from a fat overweight Ba@?trd to almost having a six pack in 5 month. fittest ive ever been also im 32, never exercised, ate curries, pizzas, beer i ate proberbly about 700 - 1000 grms of carbs on any given day which isnt hard to do, now i have no more than about 250 per day. worst diet possible and now ive change my life around.and the weight is staying off. so if you want to lose weight fast this will do it. oh also if you want to keep it of keep the carbs moderate. if you stuff yourself with carbs again as normal than you'll just put it back on! simple also carbs hold water in your body so when you cut out the carbs you lose water weight, this is what people on atkins experiance. generally half a stone in water will be lost in the first week to 2 weeks, hence why when atkiners lose that weight and think oh great thats all i needed to lose and start eating again they put it straight back on.its not fat they are putting on but the increased carbs hold excess water.
hope this helps