We are/have experienced this situation, having being ARKed in March along side approx 6 others at our local club. The first thing we noticed was a novice running 7 or 8 race days on the novice plates. I believe it should be the responsibility of the clubs to take the upgrade card from the novice when he has done his six meets, it then becomes the resonsibility of the cadet or his Dad to get the correct plates on or he will be disqualified, simples! We have recieved our first novice trophy last week, and having seen my lads new novice mates come round asking leading questions, I have already asked my lad (in preparation.) how many weeks does he intend to go on novive plates before up-grading, so we have agreed to try for one more then upgrade regardlessly in-order to give the others a chance, I should add my lad nearly did not win, he had to work hard for all he got, it is also obvious to him that he will wait a long time before he has the experience or money to be on the podium, so come on parents and carers do the right thing for all concerned. Al.