Hi as I understand the Parolin has a 35cc engine but the bambino class run's either comer 50cc or Honda 50cc engine's (cadet's run 60cc). This is why the parolin is so cheap but I do believe you can have engine options when buying a new one from parolin. As regards to MSA and none MSA time trial, the bambino class sadly hasn't attracted much interest from many clubs due to lack of drivers and also track time on busy club days, a few clubs are using bambinos as a gap filler at lunchtime and that's it! Which many parents have complained about it's not worth the entrance fee on which I would have to agree. What Scott is doing is hiring the whole track for the day at say Elk, Fulbeck, Rowah etc for the sole purpose of the bambinos thus getting a full days racing and making it worth while. At your local club you my get 2/3 bambinos in a grid,Scott is getting grids of 15+ and growing with people traveling far and wide just for their kids to have some competition and a fair crack of the whip so to speak this is why he's taking the show on the road. If you can make it you will get all the setup/driver advice you'll need from them that's what they are their for all you have to do is ask! They are a great bunch of people.
Regards, Bucky.