The cameras are to "help ensure clean driving standards and fair judicial judgements" and not for tv coverage. It has been discussed several times on this forum as a way to improve driving standards. While not completely certain as to the full benefit of these cameras, such as penalties for "camera failure" etc. There would be a definite requirement for several more officials to monitor the footage. I am concerned that the camera only shows a narrow field of view immediately in front and (possibly) would not show the throttle/brake positions in the event of a rear end 'punt'. Eg Was it a brake test or deliberate 'push'. Bold move if it works and would need top class officials both on and off the track.
The third umpire in cricket has been generally accepted as a sucsess. Football has recently been talking about something similar. The Irish 'hand of god' etc.
I am curious if the extra £65 is for the camera or is it extra as well. "all competitors will be required to purchase an on-board camera (details and order form tba)"
Transponder, clutch monitor and on board camera. Houston we have a problem.