What I find most disgraceful about this is that NatSKA is an MSA affiliated group; the BSKC is not!! Why, if the MSA had money available they should ignore NatSKA is a real kick in the teeth. Also, NatSKA is a not for profit organisation. I would also call into question Mr Tews organisational skills.....his NKA championship was a catalogue of bad planning and moving goalposts. And now in this latest venture of his, on the same page of his BSKC website first he says:
"However, the bursary will ensure that no interested schools should be excluded from participating on the basis of cost."
And then a few sentences later says:
"Please bear in mind that the total amount available for bursaries is finite and will be awarded to schools on a ‘first come, first served’ basis."
What a prat!