As with most things if you can't afford the best find what you can afford there are many painters all at different levels of ability and price just search google have a look at the work they have done and look around the paddock at what helmet painters people have used, you can then see the quality first hand, if you are happy with it then thats great at least with a painter you won't have to get three or four done before you get a fast one :-) Ps as for the cost as one said "if you have bought all the tyres and engines you need and you still have loads of money left" well every one can't be a winner so why not look good and enjoy yourself at what ever level you are at remember this is only a hobby and its a lot better to spend a few hundred quid on a nice lid than a few hundred on some rubbish tyres out of a crap batch that get binned at the end of the meeting or 800/900 on a rebuild that just happens to have a crap cylinder and its a waste of money so it needs doing again at another 300/400. All the winners have nice helmets so they must also have all the best tyres and engines ! ah so thats why they win its not the helmet damn :-)