Beats me why people make this sort of thing.."seemed like a good idea at the time". Unless you are going to use it for drag racing (and very few people do )...they just get thrashed round the local industrial estate a few times until they get fed up with it. Too long and heavy to handle right, a mid-size or big bike engine and a kart frame is usually a lousy match, and there's no way you could run one at your local track, or even at a regular track day event.
Get that gearshift...taking your hand off the wheel whilst wrestling the torque and power it could put out?....obviously they haven't though it through and haven't even seen a gearbox kart before. There's backyard engineering....and then there's plain bodging. I guess most people lashing-up these things have never actually watched any kart racing, otherwise the wouldn't bother putting in the time and effort.