Don't pay any attention to anybody who suggests removing the grease. It is wholly incorrect and counter-productive. The bearing wears quicker without grease because you have created a situation where there is MORE friction and therefore more powerloss. Just because the resistance seems higher in the pits does not mean the situation will be replicated when running at a couple of thousand rpm on the circuit.
If you have what seems to be considerably more resitance than before, Big John is probably correct in that you have your rear axle setup incorrectly. Slacken all the bearing carrier bolts (including pinch bolts) and grub screws. Tighten the carrier bolts, then grub screws on one side of the axle, then grub screws on the other, then finally the carrier pinch bolts and all will run free.
If you have the old "sandwich plate" type bearing carriers, you have to pay attention to the order in which you tighten the carrier bolts.