Many thanks to the ppl that contribute with their experience and actually answer my initial questions (alanrr, BrianP, davidmc,razh54,T-Bag).
I loved the bosch system but i found the software one of the most hideous things ever. I really like AIM and Motec (a bit too enginy the last) and Digitek. I must admit i've never used Pi.
I'll read your posts a bit more thoroughly at home and come back for some more chat!
As for some others i will not waste time argueing. I will just say that you are acting a bit too idiotic as you don't know who you are talking to, how many thousand miles he has spent on a race track in various disciplines apart from karting and how he laps with his kart itself even in "clubbies" such as Ellough (which by the way is just my local circuit).
Please stop contaminating this thread with "burn-in-the-seat" comments since you fail by miles to meet any requirements to discuss what's in the title!