I've had once a naughty axle/grubs set which used to slip whatever I did to it. Once changed someone told me not to use locktite as it seeps in between the ring and the axle and you'll never get it out. What I do is tighten the grubs as hard as I can without snapping the T-bar and then (as someone else suggested) I wrap electrical or gaffer tape over the grubs, go round 3 times and stretch a bit. They'll never come out again!
As for the hubs, clean with wire wool both the axle ends and the inside of the hub, then tighten properly. You can also use ring spacers inside the hub to stop them going in. You can have them cut from old bent axles, take the OD down by 1/2mm and then have rings of 2, 4, 6, 10mm cut. You use one at either end.