If your frame is powder coated, the thickness will only be around 80 micron, that won't add up to much. There would be very little volatile content to gas-out, only if it's been sprayed with conventional paint will it loose the mass of the solvent. I resprayed my chassis using a 2 rattlecans of primer and 2 of paint, that's around 1 litre of paint,solvent and propellant..probably 3 -500g of dry paint at the absolute most..so that's about the same as raceinstructor figures. There's absolutely no way there's 2kg of dry paint on the chassis.
Getting powder coat off your chassis needs to be done by beadblasting, which won't be cheap, and if you try to do it by hand it will take an eternity and look absolutely terrible. Just forget this idea and get on your bike to shed some weight. I need to loose 10kg to get to raceweight and that's exactly what I'm doing!