you have me thinking here
i generally have a set of tyres for practice and a set for race day.i have two sets of ali and one mag.dont ask me why,its just the way its gone
on the saturday i got the kart to handle really well by the end of the day and i was happy with the pressures.i was using the ali wheels
come sonday with my race tyres and the mag wheels i wasnt as happy with the way the kart handled(but that was mostly down to pressures i think) and also we felt we needed to start messing about with the pressures again.i was having trouble getting heat into the tyres quickly enough which didnt seem an issue on the saturday
we put this down to it being a bit colder on sunday from saturday but this thread has me thinking.
ive read various threads on this subject but never thought much of it as i didnt think i would notice the difference anyway
any thoughts would be welcome