So after every 1 raveing about the mychron 4 when i bought my new outfit i bought a new mychron 4 and ditched the alfano, i used it 1ce and there was no lap times registering, after being set up by a dealer....still the laptimes, after sending it back to AIM they said they re programed it and it should be fine, after being told if u swipe a magnet under it it should act as a magnetic strip on a track, done this and it still doesnt work!? ....So my question is does that actuly work? swipe a magnet under or will i have to wait till i next race which idealy i want it for and dont want to run the risk of it not working as im testing 2 engines and want to see which is quicker!...also if any 1 else has had this problem how did you get over it?