The BS6658 Type A standard is quite old now and the FIA and CIK no longer recognise it, but it is being allowed for one more year 2009, for domestic UK use only, non-international. The K98 is permitted for International and National / all domestic use, see Page 168 of the 2009 Blue Book, but its bound to be withdrawn in the next couple of years or so on the ten year rule for Snell standards. They have not flagged that up yet though. But they have flagged up that the Type A/FR is going to be withdrawn, probably for International events in 2010, then its bound to follow sometime thereafter for domestic national events. We'll try and lobby for that to be as long as possible as folks are still buying the A/FR at this moment. We have suggested they use the manufacturing date inside the helmet plus 10 years for an expiry, but no luck so far. The new Snell SA2010 standard is running some 12 months late. Bell have now achieved homologation of a helmet to the new Junior FIA Snell standard at 385 euros. You should always try to buy a helmet with a weight of 1400 grams or less, and remember paint adds weight, this is especially important for kids (light as possible).