Personally, I really couldn't care less what an inferior sport such as rallycross gets up to!
"So here's my point (and I believe almost every other racer's out there): yes we know where the law stands and in principle we follow its line." "We all understand that the rule is there to prevent cheating but primarily for safety reasons".
Well my understanding is that everybody, as you rightly state, knows in principle what the rules are. But my view is that its not for safety reasons, but to ensure the fairness that comes from everyone driving the same circuit! You're all cheating, you all know you're cheating, but you all squeal in protest at the prospect of the rules being enforced because you all think you're cheating a tiny bit more than everybody else and gaining an advantage you don't want to lose!
"And guess what: it works." No, not for me, it doesn't!
"So what the whole fuss about it? Yes, it all started with that cheese stuff", not for me it didn't, I've been complaining about this for years!!
So far as I'm concerned, its all about a level playing field, and not having to spend a load of dosh that I cant afford repairing damage that I'm only inflicting in order to keep up with people who break the rules; and its about trying to ensure the best kart driver wins, not the biggest cheat, or the best rallycrosser!