I think that what 'Alfie Moon' has said here is the best sense.
Everyone knows that in any sport, you have to have an official / referee...who is a human being relying on other human beings as observers....so nothing will be perfect & never will be - just like soccer.
However, also just like soccer, everyone knows that a good match is where the ref isn't always blowing up & stopping the game but where the ref allows the game to flow (with an eye on the advantage rule) so that the players do not get frustrated, & only blows up for hugely unfair practice. Motorsport is not a bloody knitting match - & neither is soccer, so things happen wheel to wheel & under heavy braking on a slippery track.
My feeling is that experienced drivers & team owners should be proactive in sorting out the mindset around the paddocks...& should try to calm the younger fraternity & their parents down (evidenced by the comments about the minimax race where the kids were all tryng to ram one another). When the parents of youngsters put their kids under huge pressure to perform & are always shouting at them & threatening their competitors (& the officials) then the racing gets to boiling point - on & off the track.
Several (low paid) officials have said that they are getting fed up with attitudes in karting re the younger drivers & their parents, & are thinking of quitting. Without the officials to run the races, where are we all going to be ? Either with far fewer clubs or with entry costs far higher than at present as clubs will have to hire expensive professionals.
MSA drivers (especially the experienced ones) have a responsibility in my mind to put back as well as take out.
Fair comment ?