Maybe but NJB is right and the ? about how many were/have been consulted.
If you say something like 'well it worked ok last time' and I ask 'by what criteria?' then it's not surprising people will start to get a bit frsutrated with some of this. It might not be a sales sales pitch but making a comment that infers what was ok before (says who (again)?) is ok again this time is I have to say, illogical when applied to lots of scenarios. So understanding the criteria and decision making process for going from 5 out of 6 rounds to 5 out of 7 rounds is I would have thought, a justifed//valid and perfectly reasonable question and we're not even doing MSA!
S1 gets bashed quite a lot and some of it's justified and other times it's not. But without revealing what I do for a living, good consultation and communication goes a long way to making the product/service better whereas poor/ineffective communications can do a lot damage.
I may be the only customer who thinks this but communications is not a S1 strength!