Its still the kid I feel sorry for as he is the one who has lost out because of his father.
As already said on here CH was a lot more professional than a lot of people in her position might have been and had the decency to phone and explain her decision.
How does the father react, he broadcasts it all over the karting scene and then goes and complains to the event organisers in another country. Its like a 5 year old child at school " Please sir, they wont let me play with them, will you tell them they have got to play with me"
What were you hoping for, a personal invite for your son so that you can thumb your nose at Stars. Or were you hoping that the event organisers would ban the UK entries and spoil it for the two kids who deserve to be there.
Either way, it comes across as being pretty petty minded.
I just hope your son doesn't hold it against you in later life. After all he could tell everyone he would have been selected to race for the GB team if it hadn't been for his foghorn of a father.
I was always told that if you are big in the mouth and speak your mind, be big enough to accept the consequences.