Right, went through the basics and all is fine. Disconnected the airbox (full of fuel) and the fuel line to the carb and the engine fired up and ran. The problem is with the carb (Dellorto VHSB 34). It seems the float valve in the chamber is not closing. The floats are the right way up and moving freely, the valve is working fine (i.e. I can't blow down the fuel inlet when it is is closed) and the float bracket whcich pushed the float valve is freely moving. When i reassemble the carb and blow fule into the inlet it just continues to flow, bubbling up therough a hole in the face of the carb that connects to the air box (hence the airbox filling up).
It can only be that the floats are not moving up enough to close the valve off. Which means ever the bracket that pushes the valve is bent, or the floats aren't "floaty" enough.
When I disconnect the float chamber, stand it on a table and fill it with fuel the floats move, but only by 1 or 2mm before the fuel overflows the lip of the chamber. Is that right?
Could I have bent the bracket that pushes down on the valve? I have found the Dellorto website and the bracket seems to be correctly shaped and the right height off the body.
Any ideas?