I think the honest answer is test in the week when its quieter, until they can get round the track on the racing line. Slow karters are not really a problem, its the UNPREDICTABLE driver thats the problem, so don't over worry about lap times just try and get closer every time you test.
It also can be a negative experience for the lads as they might get intimidated or even scarred if they are really off the pace.
As far as going out with the cadets is concerned, you should have asked "Steve/Brad/John etc.." back in the sign-on area for permission for this. The lads at the entry point don't have the authority really to let that happen.
You need to keep them safe as much as everyone else so its a shame people were not offering constructive comment.
Keep at it! Rye is a very friendly and helpful place normally so I guess it must have been a very busy day.