"Seeing the skill of a driver who has a slower "package" keep others behind him with faster equipment is what racing is all about."
I disagree 100%. Karting is almost unique amongst motorsports in that it does not time practice, then line everybody up fastest at the front/slowest at the back, and then somehow magically expect there to be overtaking. The random heat grids in our sport give a golden opportunity for there to be lots of exciting overtaking, but its an opportunity lost thanks to people with your attitude - the "I'm not fast enough to win, but I can have the satisfaction of ruining your days racing" mentality of those that for a variety of reasons are slow but unwilling to accept the consequences of that. The regulations in fact, are clearer on the subject of "defensive driving" than on most things, and it is difficult to legally keep a faster driver behind. Sadly its an area where karting officials are grossly negligent in the application of the rules.