The regulation states:
'Homolgated front fairings..... must be able to pass at any time the vertical push test. At any time....the ASN can request....the front undergo an additional analysis (post event testing) in a laboratory'. (Lots of waffle omitted).
It then goes on to specify where the lab is and the details of the test.
It's just like examining a fuel sample or sealed engine component, so won't involve conducting the test in the scrutineering bay.
The details of the clips are in the regs, and the requirement to be able to do them up and undo them by hand is a low tech way of limiting the pressure exerted. Yes, I agree it's not perfect, but we are talking about karting here not F1. It just needs to be a system that can be used on multiple chassis, easily maintained, low cost, and has very few parts that could otherwise be selected or adjusted to gain an advantage again.
A plastic block is not a sophisticated engineering solution, but the proof is on the track, contact has been reduced.
Whether the fairness balances out is a matter of experience, ours is that we've lost once and gained a few more times through the mandatory 10 second penalty. I can't speak for others, but I've certainly lost more places through deliberate contact than the odd 10 second penalty unfairly applied.