I wonder if anyone can help me. My son has been karting for just over a year (Honda Cadet). He's done really well (of course I'm biased!) and we've come a long way from where we started (and even enjoyed most of it...).
We're now trying to find more pace and I think he can find time on the brakes. The problem is I can only advise him to try and brake a little later and brake harder but of course I'm not the one driving! I'm sure he's already braking to his own limit...and I really do my best not to be a back seat driver, try to guide and support but ultimately he's the one in the hot seat.
Does anyone have any ideas for perfecting braking technique? I've tried to tell him to hit them really hard, really quick so they lock a little then reduce the pressure. Is that about right? Be super-aggressive?
All suggestions gratefully received! Thanks