Its a small family Karting in the UK ,I think those who really wanted to Know about the disposal process had taken the trouble to sort. If some "interested " parties have missed the boat then you are partially to blame,too late now ,the process has started ,so much for Your FKS ACTION GROUP,YOU posted on here / YOUR fACEBOOK page the full details of the Receivers,their Agent and a list of Assets/Equipment available which was even incorrect as the Double Deck trailer and some other equipment isn't there, and a link to THE FKS ACTION GROUP Facebook page, The Bicester News, states 7 karts have been stolen from a lorry and the local POLICE are looking for a Blue Tansit van, so surely when enquiring for an update on actual true assets to be made available for disposal, (which is usually how it goes) after reading your posts,surely any really interested parties would have then asked the Receiver when it was all up for sale and what the viewing arrangements would be,after all this information has been out there for over 10 days ??? Bit of non "ACTION" FKS GROUP updating , you missed this Someone might get the lot for peanuts its happened in similar situations like this before but only the Big Fish (BANKS /VAT/HMRC income tax) will get anything ,Sadly for Karting, the rest will get diddly squat,1p in the pound usually.