Is it just me who thinks one of the main things killing karting (certainly the MSA side) is the constant introduction of new classes? I've seen more about the new OK class and whilst they do look great fun to drive (if as a driver you weigh about 5 stone), I can't help think "is it needed?"
In the 15 years I've been racing, I've lost count of the new classes coming out that either fail to live up to the hype or as we are now seeing with X30, kill another class off, leaving drivers with worthless equipment and a lot of these leaving the sport as a result. Why is that allowed to happen?
It seems the idea of karting being the cheapest form of motorsport, the entry level, accessible to the masses was lost a long time ago.
Why can't the MSA just say no for once and maybe even aim to have one cadet class, 2 junior and 2 senior classes by say 2020? Would that not make karting better?