We could have a buffer for sure but how long should the buffer be?
A lot of people will use the live timing at the track on their mobile phones. So you'd want the buffer to be as small as possible so that it updates in as close to real time as possible - i.e. as soon as they pass the loop. People watching at the track wouldn't want the live timing to be delayed for 30s for example. Even just a couple of seconds would be annoying.
If we had a buffer of a couple of seconds, would that really cater for the fluctuating performance of the internet pipe we shove it down (the data is tiny by the way).
What club were you at this weekend?
As you're probably aware many clubs give access to their internet connection via guest WiFi and as you can probably imagine this ends up hogging the same pipe that the Alpha Timing system is sending data down. We do advise clubs not to offer guest WiFi for this reason but it's up to the clubs.