Hi, I've been having almost the same consideration myself and you'll see from a thread below, that I've decided we'll give JTKM a go. My thinking was as follows:
Firstly, I'd have been reluctant to put any money into Rotax at the moment, x30's seem to be taking over and whilst there's no mini option, I'm sure it will come. We came into cadet just at the time the Iame was being announced, we went Iame, one of our friends went comer. I've got engines I can sell, he switched to Iame after a year or so and has 3 comer paperweights!
Everyone used to say you need to be on DD to win, this puts a lot of people off. This past year juniors have started doing really well on the TAG version. Plus they seem to have finally sorted the tag's wiring issues. I think we'll see a real growth in JTKM now.
Finally, I really like the use of restrictors to allow a range of weights in the same class.
That's just my 2p I hope it helps!