Some excellent replies, thanks guys, very useful
I'm very tempted to convert to an electrical compressor but the convenience of my current set-up is still very good, and I worry about the moisture from conventional compressors which is the main cause for tyre pressures balooning on warm days, so then you need a decent moisture trap system and its just more complexity, but for sure people use em and they work!
I currently use a 10 Litre moisture-free air bottle with 200bar insdie, yes 200bar, costs £50 to buy outright from the climate centre, and £40 to re-charge, so no rental fees, weight is about 20Kg so quite just open the valve and it will put any tyre on a rim with no need to start a generator.....but if I can slip a drink to my local fire-station to fill it up with moisture free air then thats worth a shot!!
I did check out the cost of a diving bottle, but they are something like £300