Thanks for the comments i do take notice! it would be great to get more karting exhibitors but as one team said to me - we dont get anything from the show so why should we do it - they rip thousands of pounds out of the industry each year and cannot put a few pounds back to support it - this is what im up against. The exhibitors at Kartmania - some have been there since the first one - are a fantastic group of people who have karting in their blood and are trying to support and build up the industry knowing they will get their returns later, without this support and these people you wouldn't have karting!! Ok there are a few cars at the show, but very limited and selected, i could fill another hall with cars if i choose to do so but then its not a karting show - but lets face it we all have budgets to meet! its true if we had more karting exhibitors we wouldn't need "the fillers" Even so i felt this was an amazing show and each year we do try to improve and build on what we have but again we are limited to one industry - karting - and i cannot make people exhibit and support us if they dont want to. This year we had more entertainment for the younger ones that looked like it was well supported in the kartboot area - which was packed in both garages this year. About a circuit, it comes up each year but it is just not practical, the amount of money it takes to get a circuit built, staff it, and run it compared to the amount that would use it the circuit would run at a loss, take this year both days it rained form mid afternoon cutting the running time down to about 4.5 hours per day, sorry just would not work, also if its wet and dirty is this the image we want to show visitors about our sport. As for a test track, lets face it would you really want to purchase a kart after comparing a few on a tempory circuit built on a non karting surface after doing a few laps, i dont think so, the whole idea of the show is to talk to manufaturers and arrange a test at a proper race circuit. We have also had comments about running it at autosport, just one thing there - cost - especially for the exhibitors, it is way out of range for most, i have checked, also there is the £11 car park charge and £35 for getting in, ok if you want to see the rest of the show but if its just for karting i am sure most wouldnt pay that. Just a few of my views, as always possibly not right but we have to do the best we can with the resources and facilities we have, we do our best all we need is everyones support, if your not happy about it and would like a go at doing it yourself, call me !! in the meantime thanks to everyone who came along this year and for all the messages of support - also to JAG and the ABkC for their sponsor support - i loved it and i hope you did to - Martin