There is a great deal of information available on the ABKC website for anyone who is interested.
At the ABKC AGM the members (clubs) can vote on issues, hold the officers to account and review rules - although they may prefer to do this at the quarterly meetings. I would expect club representatives to know how rules can be changed.
As a member of a club you can express opinions about rules etc and request that this be taken up with the ABKC. Obviously any such request will carry more weight if you can show that a majority of club members agree with you.
With social media so easily available these days you could easily start a facebook page called xyz club drivers group and hold polls on issues and then share the results with your club committee.
Must admit that I am a bit lost by your comment "It will be interesting to see if those in authority allow this debate to go ahead....." What debate are you refering to? If it is this forum thread then there is not much of a debate going on as only 6 members have posted comments!