Thanks for your messages and for confirming that my understanding is correct.
1) You say "voting is always club rep dominated". Is that really the case? Doesn‘t it depend on whether they attend the meetings?
2) Even so, the need for attendance effectively prevents a number of clubs from bothering to nominate candidates due to the costs and logistics involved.
3) "make decisions with the help of those running the championships"
I agree that it makes sense to be well informed before making a decision, but that does not suggest that it is sensible to have your own suppliers and contracting parties actively involved in making decisions (including the ones in which they have a direct interest)
4) If class promoters are to be involved in 2017, then the 2016 AGM is too late to change things. In fact, 2015 represents your last genuine opportunity
5) I note you suggest that Super One weren‘t involved in the final decision. Assuming this to be accurate (a) they could have been if they chose to; (b) they could have been involved at all the stages before the final decision; and (c) at present they have the right to be involved in decisions going forward, eg by actively undermining any potential competition.
6) I note what you say about the time and effort people are prepared to put in. However, that does not justify allowing suppliers to influence decisions. If S1 are the only people prepared to do this, then the MSA should openly allow S1 to take control of karting in the UK, disband the ABkC and allow them to create a business model that works, eg local commercial franchises instead of Clubs (or businesses that pretend to be Clubs).
The MSA likes to pretend that this is a sport run by its members, though (even though it knows it isn‘t).
7) Voting: SKRC might want to centralise power in the people that attend an AGM, but plenty of successful organisations see that they need to actively encourage debate and participation to continue to grow and be successful, including voting by proxy or by post / e-mail.
Clearly if you are handling thousands and millions of votes, ensuring security of voting is important.
The ABkC has a handful of voters, who are supposed to be representing the views of their members. They really don‘t need to travel hundreds of miles to cast votes when they have consulted their members and have a mandate to cast their vote in a particular way.
The requirement to be present simply prevents a number of clubs - geographically remote from the venue - from participating properly and from nominating Committee members.
Any debate held at the AGM itself should not change the mandate for the representatives of the Clubs from their members, who should have been actively consulted in advance (which would have generated its own debate)
8) Drivers Representative: I note that the ABkC hasn‘t shared (to my knowledge) its proposed wording for the way such a person would be chosen. If that individual does not canvas and respect the views of the community, then this is simply another example "croneyism". But then the clubs are meant to be reflecting the views and interests of their membership already...
9) Regions: Something else to be reviewed. If clubs can vote without being present, why would "Regions" be allowed extra votes?
Whether you agree or not with these suggestions, there is nothing to stop you adding proposed changes to the agenda, allowing clubs to consult their members and vote accordingly.