'SJT Kart76'
I think you might be being unkind to the MSA. I have ZERO inside knowledge but can see a situation that would cause the MSA not to be able to say anything without getting sued.
In this scenario, let's guess that the neck braces are shown to reduce some injuries (let's call this Type 1 injury) AND increase other equally serious injuries (Type 2 injury). Let me stress, I do N*O*T know this to be the case!
In that circumstance, if they recommended the neck brace and someone gets a Type 2 injury BECAUSE they wore a brace, then they would easily be the target of a law suit.
On the other hand, if they came-out-against the brace and someone had a Type 1 injury while NOT wearing a brace, then they could be sued for that advice, too advice.
In the above circumstances, where there is no clear benefit or disadvantage to wearing the brace, the ONLY safe thing for MSA to do is NOT to comment on them as they are then NOT a target for being sued at all!
Let me stress again, I have no knowledge whether that circumstance actually exists: I am just giving an example of the reason why the MSA M*I*G*H*T want to avoid commenting at all!