I personally like the 360 plus device, I just think it's better suited to karting than the Leatt one, unfortunately it's hard to get in Europe because of some patent argument with Leatt. So when I wanted one, I got a freind in the states to buy it and ship it to me. There is always the same debate about there effectiveness because of all the variables in accidents it's hard to categorical prove, one way or another. My personal opinion is that all young drivers should wear them. I insist my child wears his. How I see it is, most stunt drivers choose to wear one, ok karters don't deliberately have accidents but they can and do happen. As for the "I've seen this accident, without one and the kid was fine" arguments. That's no different to the "I know someone, who smoked a 60 a day and lived to be 90" touted by smokers. As for the msa, they have historically been reactive rather than proactive on many safety issues. So the fact they haven't made a judgement, means nothing to me. Common sence, to me, says they must help!