That's a real shame, but here are a few ideas:
1) Did you publish the agenda in advance? 2) Did you invite the members to raise subjects for discussion? 3) Do you regularly ask for feedback on items to be discussed at ABkC then ensure that SYKC views are represented? 4) Were arrangements made for people to vote if they couldn't attend? 5) Were arrangements made for someone to vote on behalf of under 18's?
Alan tells a story about one club. I have experience of another sporting club where we (i) combined the AGM with various awards; and (ii)went round the individual members explaining the support we needed to keep the club going. Now inundated with volunteers and the AGM the best attended ever.
Banzai has demonstrated that a simple facebook page for the club can get something going.
I think it's great that SYKC has made these kinds of efforts and its a shame that the membership hasn't responded. They can't complain about the MSA and the ABkC then, can they, when it is made as easy as possible for them to vote, express their views and start to change things?