An open question first : Will you listen to any argument that differs from your stated opinion? If no, you aren't very different from the majority of karters and you would be denying the complexity of the situation.
"My short summary before the detail :" It is a bit pointless to say that the plans put forward by the MSA for 2017 are your summary. The point has been argued in detail. As an idea it sucks, for a whole load of reasons, not least the differences between the classes. It is a very short-sighted solution that isn't going to see an increase in the number of MSA licence holders, will probably see a decrease in the regard in which the MSA is held.
Time: People aren't going to start racing MSA just because they get an extra few laps....and then only possibly if the clubs don't adopt your suggestion of having longer 'official practices'.
The problem with the timing issue is that even now there are karters who are struggling to make the necessary repairs to get out onto the grid for their next heat. Shortening the time by any significant amount is the same as saying that if you have any kind of incident, your day is done. So the minimum time between grids has to be between 45 minutes to an hour to get everyone back to the next grid. So you aren't going to finish much earlier just by reducing the number of grids. Add more people into a grid and the number of incidents increases.
"The highest part for clubmen is tyres "
It doesn't matter what quality the tyres are. If new tyres will give the driver as little as one tenth of a second advantage, then drivers who want to win will fit new tyres as often as they can. Why spend lots of money to gain that tenth, with frequent rebuilds, new chassis, driver coaching etc, if it can be won simply by paying a lot less for new tyres?
Yes, it has been suggested that the tyres should be used over several events, but as was evident on an IKR thread, that all goes to pot unless all the drivers join a series at the same time, drive every race and can only buy control tyres......which then become very expensive.
"There are some daft expensive materials and parts used. Magnesium parts should be banned, silly expensive pedals such as used by Tonykart, etc."
If the criteria is cost, if I manufacture my own Tonykart-type pedals in my workshop, can I fit them to my kart? Can I fit my own lightweight hubs or carriers if they aren't expensive? Or does everything have to come from 'an approved supplier with a registered batch number? |That'll put the price up.
"but at least let us use properly stickered motorcycle helmets?"
If you look at the specifications for the Snell certificates, you will see that the two are identical for the penetration and resistance tests, but are different in the siting and sighting requirements. This is because the head position is different between kart and bike, a difference enough to mean that these design changes reduce injuries. As 70% of all kart drivers don't have a proper, in date, motor cycle helmet, it makes sense to specify that one should use one designed for the job.
As for boots, you can wear a pair of trainers provided they cover the ankle. As for suits, I can see the point of a proper race suit. I have been out of a flipped kart and slid down the track at 70mph. The wear marks convinced me that a proper racesuit, not a boiler suit, is necessary. I've seen the horrific effects to a motorcyclist not wearing a proper suit after a gravelling, it isn't something you'd wish on a kid.
So, how do we resolve these points of difference?