We won't be renewing our lads license for next year. The reasons are numerous. 1. Lads not trying hard enough and unlike a lot of cadet parents we raced for the boy not through the boy and simply found something he DOES want to do.
2. Although we have plenty of money to race, we object to the stupid fees at club level when wanting to raise a matter when in just about every other sport it can be done FOC and is dealt with in no less a professional manner.
3. We felt that matters of bad driving were going unresolved from one meeting to the next, possibly due to the stupid fees being unrealistic for some to make a protest and driving standards were showing signs of decline, culminating in some questionable driving leading to accidents, incurring costs for mainly innocent parties.
4. We had a 3rd child and consideration for her as well as our other boy was a factor in us giving up as pointed out above.
5. The sport is too cheap. Yes you read that right. The low entry fees and low cost of licences and general cost saving means that an adequate number of officials to observe a greater proportion of events on track could not realistically be posted around a circuit and given the propensity of people to moan about just about anything which might cost a few quid, highly unlikely that significant improvements can be made without significant investment either in additional personnel or equipment (cameras etc) it's not a football match where a single ref and 2 assistants can monitor most of the action, which typically takes place around the ball in a confined area. I think there is mileage in using signed on pg licence holders as observers but doubt it's realistic because no one will want to do it.
I doubt we are the only ones who won't renew this year and I suspect some of the reasons stated will apply to some people. In the meantime we might do some arrive and drive stuff and maybe I'll even get in a kart myself to race the boy. Otherwise you will find us beside a football pitch while he plays football or near a river bank fishing.