The flag was shown due to a breach in the barrier, which I and another pusher/Dad reassembled quite quickly. I must say that I didn't feel in danger whilst doing this. Admittedly, although aware of the approaching karts, my focus was mostly on the barrier rather than them however.
I think that the Clerk did have good reason to call us all in, but missed the opportunity to fully explain to the drivers what he expected of them. The problem, as I saw it, was that even though the leader did slow (the amount by which is always going to be debated depending on your viewpoint), the spread of the rest of the field meant that some where trying quite hard to catch up with the train rather than drive '25% slower'.
F1 drivers have high tech dash boards to tell them whether they're driving at the correct speed in these circumstances, but expecting a young lad/lass to judge 25% is going to be difficult.
I like your suggestions, maybe with a slight amendment:
Full course Black/Yellow Quartered, waved at the post preceding the incident, stationary at all other posts. That would; highlight the area where they need to be particularly aware/slow down significantly, allow a sensible pace to be maintained for the rest of the lap by the leader/pace setter and allow the rest of the field to catch the train, whilst being aware that the race has been neutralised.