Dammed if you do, dammed if you dont.
Clay introduced the tramlines after the cone got forgotten and a driver then hit the cone and launched it in the air just narrowly missing a following kart when it came down.
So yes the tramlines do get policed, but its to try and make sure there is a clean start.
As to the statement that there is always a first corner incident at Clay, I would strongly disagree, there are classes there who get clean starts without first corner incidents. Most of those classes are slightly older drivers.
I suggest that you look to the drivers in the races with incidents. They are the ones with a brake pedal, steering wheel and a pair of eyes. Unfortunately they dont appear to be told that you might need to use all three at the same time along with their brain.
Marshals are there to wave flags in the event of an incident, I would be upset if they were on the radio trying to report contact and missed the 4 Kart pile up in the middle of the hairpin.
Like most clubs Clay is trying hard to get the best officials they can, getting extra observers is nigh on impossible and no one wants to pay extra entry fees to cover the costs of extra officials.