hey baddream
its been 3-4 years since I raced in tkm but your budget is reasonable. I used to spend around the 200-250 mark per meeting.
£50 Saturday test £50 race day entry £50 set aside for an engine rebuild (every 8 hours or so...about 2 hours per weekend) £50 for consumables (oil, fuel, the odd chain, track rod etc) £50 for tyres (used to use a new set every other meeting or so...that's 2 test days and 2 race days, although you can stretch them further by using old sets on test days and keep your good ones for race days..they were about £100 when I raced)
I found that 200-250 per meeting was perfectly doable, I was never stretching myself financially, nor wasting money, and on the other hand never feeling like I needed to spend more to beat the other guys in my class at the time...I used to run mid pack, got a few trophies and had a load of fun!
im sure you can do it cheeper with IKR, the race and test days tend to be cheeper...about £40 each, tyres can be bought second hand for £40 a set and as they are open you can use what ever you fancy etc etc.
the only thing id say about TKM is keep on top of your carbs....I cant overstate how important it is to keep your fuel clean...ie when mixing it keep it away from dust, and when putting it in the tank use a couple of pairs of tights over the funnel as a filter to keep small particles out. also learn to rebuild the carbs properly...their really simple when you know how to do them correctly, I used to put a new kit in mine every meeting and never had one fail on me...but if you don't keep them clean the small filters inside can clog up with grit and muck.....just a small thing which shouldn't detract from how cool the karts are