Others will tell me I shouldn't bother with you, but ........I think you are mssing something somewhere making personal comments about me "allowing it to happen"........
Just to be clear........I do not make the rules, I simply produce the TV coverage.... Although I happen to disagree with your view on standing starts, as do many others.
..... But ..... In response..... your comments are so pathetically juvenile they make you sound anything other than intelligent. What an absolute imbecile you are. How old are you? You sound like you have a mental age of 12.
....."disgusted with your lack of intelligence".....? What a moronic comment about a thread that has NOTHING to do with standing starts, only about youtube links so anyone can watch the racing if they want to do so. I do more within these programmes to support karting at all levels, including promoting the sport, kart clubs and circuits via the abkc website information, and in this programme particularly including information should any viewer want to sponsor a driver local to them (and this has happened previously) on how to get in touch with me so i can pass on their details.
Your comments do nothing to promote anything but your own childish rhetoric, and certainly do NOTHING to encourage participation in the sport at any level, nor could they be considered in any way a constructive critiicism of standing starts with other ways to solve the issue they were intended to.
Your comment about a solution being "simple" if only someone (me you appear to be suggesting....) was "man enough" or intelligent enough" says a lot about your view of the people who have actually been running our sport at club and abkc level, giving their time free and travelling in some cases two thirds of the length of the country or more to attend abkc and MSA committee meetings. If it was that simple, these people who have been around the sport a lot longer than you would no doubt have thought of it.
You should be ashamed of yourself making such pathetic comments.... but in your case..... It's a given you won't see that.