I agree Jon. I see IKR's main role as bringing in new people, which it achieves by removing the barriers to entry and reducing cost (not just through entry fees). MSA has been struggling to bring in new people for some time, though these new proposals are a positive step in the right direction. However, MSA is also seeing some people become alienated by the increasing 'professionalism' and IKR gives these a home.
So the 2 are different, catering for different people and as such compliment eachother. I don't think MSA should try too hard to emulate IKR as they will never be able to achieve exactly the same and will only alienate more of their current customers. As we've seen here, some current MSA drivers don't like the proposals as they feel they will be subsidising people who don't wish to comply with the full MSA rules. It may be better for the MSA to take care of the more serious racers and allow IKR to cater for everyone else. No doubt some will start in IKR and see moving to MSA as progression. Others in MSA may choose to take life a little less seriously and move to IKR. The overall effect should be positive.