Presumably this will mean an increase in entry fee's to cover the extra cost of insurance? I did hear how much of that ten odd pounds we pay to the MSA for each MSA meeting to cover insurance, it was between £3 and a fiver as I recall. Having spoken to the MSA's insurers JLT on a separate matter I had it explained to me that the risk is calculated based on a set of parameters that seek to negate the risk to them of a claim, whilst ensuring if a claim is made the environment and rules set provided by the MSA is as stringent as possible. The effect of this can be seen over the last twenty years with the rise of sidepods and nose cones, their evolution from square pods to new age etc designed to minimise risk in a crash. Indeed the advent of things that frustrate some of us in terms of cost, like chain guards, disc protectors, nose clip brackets are all there ostensibly to minimise the risk of accidents and thus claims, even if we think they are a money maker for the karting industry foremost.
The issue here is that JLT issue the insurance based on a permit of the meeting which says the meeting is being held to MSA standards. If the MSA then back dates or lowers those standards then the Insurance risk must naturally go up in the Insurance industries eyes. That applies not just to the standard/specification of the karts racing, but also to the (and I use this word advisedly) perceived competence of the drivers themselves who for the main will have passed an ARKS or ARDS test.
It only takes one or two big accidents and thus claims for the Insurance industry to ask the question "so everything was being run to the usual high standards?" and if the answer comes back "yes, apart from we are running some karts that are out of homoligation, haven’t got the current legal parts or tyres and the drivers haven’t passed the industry standard test procedure" for not only the claims to come in, but the Insurance premiums to go up for us all.
I am only playing devil’s advocate here, but who covers those increased costs? Presumably it will be done through the entry fee, but will that be spread across all of us, or just the non-licence or day licence holders pay a different, higher rate? I race both MSA and non-MSA and the entry fee's are much cheaper obviously for MSA which is part of the attraction, if MSA then goes and prices themselves higher than non-MSA then what is the attraction for non-MSA karters to switch?
If those considerations aren’t addressed then everyone needs to think about their own position. When I was self-employed and couldn’t afford to take days off injured I shied away from non-MSA racing, as well as two strokes (as my contractor sickness and injury insurance stated I could only race 4 strokes and then only MSA sanctioned - something some of you might want to check), however when I went back to working for a company I felt more comfortable in my SSP and the cover I had, and raced 2S and non-MSA once again. One point though thats worth mentioning is my own life assurance expressly forbids gearbox karting, therefore worth checking that if you have it. My only dependants are my family, but if as self-employed I had a business that had workers then my personal insurance needs to be enough to cover those eventualities and my commitment to them. If the MSA are going to relax their standards in this manner, then surely everyone else’s premiums will increase, both via on track entries and the meeting insurance, and also through your own accident and life cover policies? The former can be taken care of by passing the increased cost to the competitors, or a sub-section of the competitors but I am not sure what can be done to mitigate the risk and thus to our own insurances?
Obviously I am only going on what the MSA's own insurers JLT have told me, that may well be not correct - would be interested to hear what anyone qualified in this area would have to say?