There are two sides to the debate.
First, there is some discussion over exactly what the rules mean. For example, Chris has suggested that if a karter feels that a kerb is a kerb, then it's a kerb, but we all know that in the office a driver could claim that any bit of 'different' reinforced surface outside the white line could be claimed as a 'kerb' even if it is 'obviously'( to other people) a run-off, rumble strip or simply 'hardened grass'. So a driver finding a convenient bit of 'kerb' on the outrun of a corner might not have to keep the speed down to stay on-track
The second question is "Why should one use the kerb, deliberately, if the aim is to race inside the track, where the track is defined as inside the white line?".
After all, if a track had no kerb on a corner, then putting a wheel on the grass was leaving the track. If the grass wears away, it becomes dangerous, so the grass is reinforced by concrete.
Why should that reinforcement suddenly make it legal to drive on the 'hard-grass'?
We understand the point that, pragmatically, not every driver using the kerb could be penalised and we understand that some kerbs are safe to travel over at high speed and we understand that using the kerbs can be fun, a different test of skill but it still doesn't explain why it should be made legitimate to deliberately use 'the kerb' when it is outside the bit we are meant to be racing on.
And the important word is 'deliberate'. Karting is driving on the edge of our limits, mistakes will happen, so use of the kerbs will happen and frequently enough that draconian penalties for accidents and errors are not going to work, which is why there are rules which allow the CoC to use judgement about the 'deliberate', as implied by 'regular', errors of judgement committed by some drivers.
When the thread started I though that a common reason for permitting the use of kerbs would be the number of contested results it would provide. We have all seen corners turning onto the finishing straight where karts have all four wheels over the white line but arguably remain on a 'kerb' and one could imagine a close running second lodging a complaint that victory was not his only because the leading kart was able to drive off the track and gain an advantage.
But surprisingly, not one single person has mentioned this as a factor, perhaps we are all such good sports.
One suggestion made to me was that now many kerbs are no longer a speed deterrent, and electronics allow small penalties to be accumulated and shown to the driver, then kerb-riding should attract a small time penalty each time it was observed.
Possibly not feasible, but with more tracks having computers and electronic noticeboards, perhaps it is worth considering for a trial at appropriate tracks.