so basically what your saying in the letter from the MSA is that there is no further resolve in what applies and doesn't as there is no other definition in the (U) regulations regarding what the track limits are, other than what is outlined in Q14. as far as what is "applicable" there are only two regulations that have reference to cars in such rear view mirrors and reversing, so all others must be applicable, unless there are any karts that have rear view mirrors fitted,lol
MR ITPRO, in your endeavoring quest for clarification (kerbs) until such a time that there is clear definition in the regulations of a KERB, than it would be assumed that it would be unenforceable to penalize a driver for using the kerb as MOST people KNOW what a KERB is. BUT wait a minuet, I guess now you are going to tell me that if you took a five year old child and asked him to point to a kerb, or a house or a football, he wouldn't be able to identify one BECAUSE he doesn't know the definition! he might not but I bet he would be able to identify every one!
where you are correct in saying that a kerb is defined as a raised edging or a flat edge to a surface, I would hope being all adults that common sense would prevail, we all know what a kerb is and isn't when talking about tracks. The problem being in the end, is that if you wanted to be clinical, should you get a penalty for running over a line where there is run off, as opposed to a kerb such as at PFI, than you could bring argument that these are defined as kerbs in the English language so the penalty couldn't be upheld since there is no definition! in other words its open to interpretation. yes I wonder about u also.