This thread has started to take a slightly surreal direction....
Bringing it back:
1) there's almost no incentive whatsoever for the victim of poor driving to lodge a protest
2) The offences are already there in the blue book (eg gaining advantage, dangerous driving) and are already being applied (where incidents are reported)
3) There is an imbalance within the current regulations in favour of a driver who gains unfair advantage
4) The current impact of a penalty being imposed against a driver still leaves the victim with a poor placing (probably) and damage (possibly)
5) To balance things up, the idea is to allow the positions to be reversed if this favours the victim &/or the penalised driver has to contribute to any damage caused (and this could be a set of tariffs rather than debating the precise cost of a new axle or whatever) - anything for the victim would be better than the the nothing they get at the moment
6) This would redress the imbalance and create a real disincentive to being responsible for incidents
Which would reduce the number of them....
Given that the only people adversely affected would be those who are penalised for bad driving as per the regulations, what would be the problem?