Ok...... let's look at your (daft) suggestion that standing starts remove the opportunity to ‘load’.
Example 1 This is just to show the concept and to demonstrate the possibility..... I am NOT trying to claim that is a LIKELY circumstance. I am using it to show the PRINCIPLE.
If I have a proper 125 Gbox, and I 'standing start' from grid 11 while everyone else has a (let's say) Rotax..... are you STILL claiming that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to push the 5 karts in front of me into the first corner.....? That's a rhetorical question...... unless you want to claim that I COULDN'T do it....... You aren't that daft!
Example 2
Now, let's say I am a 'front runner' in Rotax and I have DEMON engine and my mechanics have set up the clutch to an almost PERFECT extent. Again, I am in grid 11 in an SS race and there are ONLY slower 'engines' ahead of me.... are you NOW saying that it would be IMPOSSIBLE for me to 'load' the first 5 karts all the way to the first corner....? Again, I doubt you'll claim THAT.
Example 3
How about if the Pole man is just plain SLOW (or slow away). Once again, I am in grid 11, it's a standing start, Grid 3 'loads' Pole. He thus is accelerating more slowly than Grid 5 who now shoves the TWO of them..... grid 7 can now impact the rear of grid 5........ do I need to go on?
Example 4
I am on grid 3. Pole man has a badly adjusted clutch which slips substantially. Are you HONESTLY expecting us to believe that I could NOT 'load' pole man all the way into the first corner BECAUSE we have a standing start....?
Example 5
I am on grid 3: pole man simply doesn't have the same superior power motor as me.... perhaps his carb is adjusted badly. Are you saying that I CANNOT 'load' him into the first corner.......?
David...... unlike your usual standard, you have NOT thought this through. If you insist on this silly claim..... give your REASONS for saying WHY it would be IMPOSSIBLE or seriously difficult in example 5 for me to 'load' pole man all the way to the 1st corner. If you can do that, do it for example 4 and so on all the way back to example 1.
With respect, this is plain silly!