If fitting cameras to every kart really was the easy solution then there would be no contact in S1, WSK etc and no need to try standing starts. Maybe if you combined a camera with full data logging using a mychron (or other nominated device) then you could overlay the laps from the karts involved to see exactly where each driver was on the throttle or brake, lines taken etc. You would also probably have to allow longer for incidents to be investigated - maybe even post race as they do in F1. Another possibility is to use more instant penalties - black flag. drive through as this then eliminates all the appeal process - would drivers want this? Maybe change the system on licences so that you need a `super A' to enter a national championship or special event such as the O plate. To gain your `super A' you would need evidence of x number of wins/podium places from club meetings where there was a minimum of 10/20/30 entries for your class.