"You are presumably referring to the ABkC."
Not particularly. There is a difficulty in that many people serving on the committees are also members of the ABkC. The one doesn't necessarily lead to the other, though obviously if you have regular contact with someone else you might suggest that they get involved in this or that committee because they have the expertise / interest rather than because they are members of the ABkC.
Unless you are suggesting that there is an ABkC master plan, deliberately setting out a campaign to rule karting, any more than posters here might be tarred with a similar brush because they are discussing changes.
"Otherwise I read in your post agreement that the 'system' is rotten; that MSA karting is more like an assembly of personal fiefdoms. "
I'm not sure the system is 'rotten'. I do think that it would benefit from having a wider population of committee members, with some having less of a vested interest or personal bias but first that requires more candidates to stand so that the MSA can choose to get advice from beyond the pool of existing committee members. But a lot of karters are only interested in karting, not in making a difference to karting and a lot of karters follow the information given to them by interested parties without question.
The thread is about mixed grids. The problem is actually about behaviour when a faster driver meets a slower driver, whether it be the overtaking of a back marker, someone with a problem or the overtaking of someone who is in a different class or category and has different goals.
Having different goals is not a problem, how we deal with it is, whether on the track or in an MSA committee. People will find excuses for their actions, whether it be putting a dodgy move (or being vaguely approving of the dodgy move) on another driver or taking action in an MSA committee.
"IKR doesn’t need a “higher authority” because "
IKR doesn't need that authority at the moment, because each track is independent and each track is able to enforce its own rules. However the moment that drivers in IKR decide that they want a championship that embraces several tracks, then you start to get a need. People will start to take their racing more seriously and start to insist that something legal on one track should be legal at all the tracks and vice versa and that the rules should be seen to be enforced for all.
The more seriously drivers start to take their racing, the greater the need for the 'authority' and the more rigorously the authority needs to be unbiased. Of course, it is absolutely logical that there should be a point where the 'IKR championship' events should simply be pushed into the MSA category but obviously the same personal interests come into play, everything from the driver who wants it to be 'cheap' because everyone wants to be sensible (and how to deal with the non-sensible driver fairly?) to the track operator who doesn't want to see his clientele travel elsewhere.
Even on this board there are those who see IKR or MSA drivers as the enemy, not as participants in different categories of the same sport. After all how many of us regard hire-and-drive participants as 'karters' even though they are by far the largest contingent in the karting community?